September 18, 2023 Blog No Comments »

There is nothing wrong with looking for that special career/job. But remember you also have to pay your bills and live.  There’s a lots of work out there . Do any kind of job. Just get yourself hired. Then show up for work everyday. Don’t take days off. Be early, stay late, do what ever your boss ask of you (job related). Be the best employee that company has ever seen. Live and breath that company, become indispensable. You can always keep looking for that dream job, and be no worse off than you are today because your bills are getting paid. If while you are working you do see that dream job try coordinating an interview in the morning or afternoon, keeping your current employer happy. Remember it always looks greener on the other side of the fence. There are a lot of VP’s out there who started in the company mail room and worked their way up to the top.

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